Family Service Manager – Nicole Kinley
(360) 312-2447
Family Services Enrollment/Attendance – Alynn Phair
(360) 312-2472
Prenatal Application Form
Coming Soon!
ELP Enrollment Application
Coming Soon!
Mission Statement
“It is the mission of the Lummi Early Learning Program, comprised of the Birth-To-Three, Early Head Start Center Base, Early Head Start Home Base, Head Start, and Teen Parent Child Development Programs to provide services and support to children, families, and their community. Through partnership with other community resources, we will respectfully identity the needs of children, families and community members while endeavoring to strengthen, educate, and empower (each) by providing opportunities to participate in cultural enriched Early Learning Programs.”
Philosophy Statement
A Child can benefit most from a comprehensive interdisciplinary program to foster development and remedy problems as expressed in a broad range of services.
The child’s entire family, as well as the community must be involved.
Lummi Early Learning is a family focused program.
The family is viewed as the most important influence in a child’s life.
The Head Start environment will provide the children the opportunity to develop to th4eir maximum potential in a nurturing environment.
Our Lummi Early Learning Program Proposal contains the following statement of:
Primary Goals:
To provide a quality comprehensive Early Learning Program for eligible three- and four-year-old children residing within the Lummi Early Learning service area.
To provide and ensure a functional, supportive educational experience and environment to create positive changes within the community.
To promote parent involvement whereas the parents are the first and primary educators of their children.
To provide culturally relevant learning experience which enhance the self-esteem and cognitive skills of the children.
To produce socially competent children ready to learn.
Family Partnership Agreement
We welcome you to Lummi Nation Early Learning Programs, which includes the Teen Parent Child Development Center, Early Head Start Home Base, and Head Start.
Participation in this partnership with Early Learning is our opportunity to co-create a relationship with the family of the children that are enrolled in the program. The partnership supports the hopes of the Lummi Nation’s journey to wellness of life.
Our Partnership is an ongoing process, which begins with our first contact.
We will continue to grow and nurture our relationship, with each other, we will identify your strengths as a family and as individuals.
Our hope is to co-create goals with our children’s family as well as goals for other members of your household.
Goals are created from family needs, wants, hopes, and dreams. We will also support creating goals for individuals of your family.
We will support you and your family in formulating these goals and putting them into easy attainable steps that ensures your family’s success.
We will put these steps into a timeline which will be used as a guide into success.
There is nothing saying that you cannot change the goals and or timelines. Both are connected to each other; goals may need to change for whatever reason. It is important to be on the side of flexibility. The goal is to help assign responsibility and accountability in Policy Council and within the Early Learning program to ensure success for you and your family.
The Head Start Program performance standards specify the support and services that must be offered to expectant families enrolled in Early Head Start programs serving pregnant women. These services include comprehensive prenatal and postpartum health care, prenatal education, and breastfeeding education and accommodations.
Collaboration with community partners is essential to the design and management of a high-quality EHS program serving pregnant women.
Along with resources that allow EHS parents to access comprehensive health care, they must also receive information on good eating habits and proper diet. The effects of a healthy diet translate into the creation of cells which evolve into the developing child’s tissue, muscle, and bone. All the child’s organs and the brain begin to develop in the earliest weeks of pregnancy. Optimal health and nutrition allow parents, very early on, to positively influence their child’s future. EHS programs are required to assess nutritional status and, if necessary, help families find resources to obtain adequate food.
Community mental health partners also support services to expectant parents. Substance abuse prevention or treatment, and other mental health concerns are critically important to the healthy development of the growing fetus and the parent’s ability to appropriately care for their baby.
As Educators
We have invested in early childhood education because we know what research provides that our state’s prosperity depends on whether we adequately prepare our next generation for school and life. Knowing this School Readiness is committed and focused on only the most committed and focused on only the most effective early childhood programs.
Children who participate in early childhood education programs are far more likely to enter kindergarten ready to read.
Parents/Guardians will be familiarized with the rationale and use of all health and developmental procedures administered through the program, with prior permission for screening. (REF.134020(e)(1))
Information will be shared with parents/guardians on how to familiarize their children with the health Procedures that they receive within Head Start. The health and safety curriculum are used to relay information to the children. (REF.134020€(1))